Some Christians Are Up in Arms over the New Starbucks Red Cup

‘Tis the season for War on Christmas stories.

The newest front in war?

The humble Starbucks holiday cup in red.

Some Christians Are Super Offended By The New Starbucks Red Cup Design.


Because Starbucks removed religious symbols like stars, Christmas trees, reindeer and Christmas balls from the cups and now has just plain red.

Here’s what the Starbucks card looked like in years past.

And here


But oh no here’s what it looks like now


What’s different?

There are no more Christmas and holiday symbols on the cup.  Are you offended yet?

Here’s What Starbucks says

“We have anchored the design with the classic Starbucks holiday red that is bright and exciting,”said Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks vice president of design and content. “The ombré creates a distinctive dimension, fluidity and weightedness.”

So far so good, ombre.

But that has some people up in arms

“The Starbucks coffee cup change smells more of political correctness than a consumer-led change,” British conservative MP David Burrowes told right-wing website Breitbart London
“What is it about Christmas that Starbucks are afraid of celebrating?” the Christian Institute’s Simon Calvert told Breitbart.

“Haven’t they heard it’s the most wonderful time of the year, and the season of good will to ALL men? They should get involved and stop being scrooges.”

Some People Are Mad

So, So Mad

Even Donald Trump Mentioned Maybe We Should Boycott Starbucks Over This


Getting a Little Bah Humbug

Piping mad

But wait, someone likes these red cups

Someone Has Thankfully Been Able to Make a Joke About This Controversy

Someone else has a positive message

Someone else puts it in perspective

Someone has even give you a useful tip

Starbucks took Merry Christmas off their cups b/c of Christ; so tell them your name is Merry Christmas & they’ll have to put it on the cup!

— Adam Roth (@adamusrothus)

And One More Thing

Starbucks still retails plenty of Christmas items on their website, over 25 at last count.Starbucks Christmas Items


What Do You Think About RedCupGate?

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